Monday 11 November 2013

Bus Interior Turnaround

This is a quick video of the bus layout shown in the last post;

I arranged the layers in 3ds Max because I was using it a lot at the time, so I just put them on 5 different planes and slide the planes past each other as the camera panned across them.

Should've been much wider; the turning illusion is a bit broken by its shortness, but I think it was good for a first try.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Here's some layouts I did for my course.  They're not the best, but I enjoyed doing them.

This is a vertical pan of a narrow, old back alley.

 This is a horizontal pan representation of Las Vegas 

This was a turn around shot of the inside of a bus.  There is actually 5 different layers in it but they are super-imposed here into one image.

Some Life Drawing

This is some life drawing I have had the privilege of doing during my course.

Tinker Bell 3D Model

Here'e a few shots of a Tinker Bell model I made as a class project in 2012.  It was based on the older versions of Disney's Tinker Bell using Autodesk's 3DS Max.  She looks kinda scary and I'd do things differently if I was doing it now, but I learned a lot while making her.

3D Lip Sync

This was a quick Lip Sync project using a sound bite of Jean-Luc Picard that was part of the 11 Second Club's April 2012 competition (  Made with the Eleven Rig ( and Autodesk's Maya 2013.

3D Jump in Maya

This was a quick class project done using Autodesk's Maya 2013 and the Eleven Rig ( We had to have the rig jump up to and down from a box. We could add additional movements if we wanted.


Hi.  I'm Padraig.  I'm doing an animation degree course and this is my blog.  Hopefully I'll keep this updated fairly regularly with little bits I've done.